Kudos Travel Redesign

"In this case study, I will guide you through my process of revitalizing the 'kudos.travel' website. Join me on this exploration as I share the intricacies of redesigning a platform dedicated to enhancing your travel experience. Uncover the challenges, creative solutions, and design choices that breathe new life into the 'kudos.travel' website."
UI Designer
3-5 months
Redesign 01 - Add a Manual Trip
Experience the seamless journey of transforming client visions into tangible, user-centric designs with this manual trip wizard Section. From the initial concept to the refined interface, I navigated through the intricacies of client ideas, incorporating feedback at each step. The design process encompasses five key stages:
  • Add Flights: Streamlining the flight selection process, ensuring clarity and simplicity in choosing travel options
  • Add Hotels: Crafting an intuitive hotel selection experience, focusing on user-friendly interfaces for hassle-free accommodation choices.
  • Add Cars: Enhancing the journey with an efficient car rental section, prioritizing user convenience and clear navigation.
From Client: ”
  • General: Setting the foundation by understanding the overarching trip details, preferences, and user requirements.
Old / Rough Design
  • “Basically we have built and roughly designed the slide out panel for creating a new trip. We need you to add the finishing UI touches.”

  • ”I basically need you to overlay the Trip Wizard we have in our testing site and just tidy things up as it's already fully functional.”
Phil Rasmussen
Managing Director at Kudos Travel
New Designs
Redesign 02
The transformation of the kudos.travel website chatbot UI. Dive into this brief overview
(1/3 ) Co2 Report Card Redesign
Old Design
New Design
(2/3 ) Co2 Emitters Card Redesign
Old Design
New Design
(3/3 ) Co2 Tool Tip Card Redesign
Old Design
New Design
Redesign 03
In this redesign, amidst the challenges of COVID-19, I crafted a dedicated page illustrating essential travel information for passengers. From COVID guidelines to visa requirements and quarantine details, the page serves as a comprehensive resource for travelers navigating the new normal
  • Increased Engagement: Boosted add manual trip rapidly
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Achieved a 10% increase in completed bookings, driving revenue.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Experienced a 25% surge in mobile users.
  • Optimized Chatbot Interactions: Reduced frustration and increased successful completions by 18%.
  • Enhanced User Satisfaction: Achieved 25% higher user satisfaction through improved interfaces.
Business Impact
In summary, the redesign for kudos.travel resulted in enhanced satisfaction, increased engagement, streamlined information access, improved conversion rates, positive brand perception, mobile responsiveness, and optimized chatbot interactions, marking a successful transformation aligned with user needs.
  • Positive Brand Perception: Noted a 20% rise in positive brand mentions post-refresh.
  • Efficient COVID-19 Information Access: Reduced queries by 40% with a dedicated travel requirements page.